July 22, 2018
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When someone appreciates, accept

I can recall a story of a recognized female Indian voice. Those were the days when she was young and her career was starting off and she'd been doing shows on the Indian radio. This had given her enough fame already and this was perhaps the phase where you'd be figuring out how possibly could someone live while being under the limelight. Having booked a seat in the train, as she searched for her seat in the coach, an aged woman had already fixated her gaze upon her, contemplating, as to whether she was the same voice she had heard and seen so much about.

As the young talent took her seat, the aged woman called out to her and she said something on the lines of her confirming who the young girl was and then appreciating her.
The other day I heard you out on the radio. You sing beautifully. Almost every Saturday, I sit with my daughters and we hear you out. I know there are just 7 notes, but your voice, it feels as if you're searching for the 8th.
The young girl was flabbergasted on hearing this. She shied away, blushing and meekly denying that she isn't as good as she was portraying her. "No, no, ma'am...", was all she was saying. The old woman, as she was a wiser soul, scolded the girl.
When someone appreciates you, you should take it. Never deny someone's appreciation. Say something like "Thanks." or "I'm glad you liked it.". If you don't want to take it onto yourself, the best thing to say would be, "It's all God's grace."
It's absolutely okay to be humble, but denying of someone's appreciation isn't humility, it's the lack of self-esteem. 

I know there are just 7 notes, but your voice, it feels as if you're searching for the 8th.